Friday, November 14, 2008
Winterizing Sprinkler Lines - Troubleshooting With Ice In The Lines
Try running the water through your sprinkler zones to loosen the ice. You may need to warm up the copper pipe with a torch if cold water doesn't work.
Watch the video below for a better explanation:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sprinkler Daddy Testimonial - Regina, SK
Micro Spray Irrigation for Shrub Beds and Flower Beds
Irrigating your shrub beds and flower beds involve choosing between a number of different options available to you. In this video, Sprinkler Daddy's Sean Stefan explains the different options available to you when you're thinking about using micro sprays in your shrub and flower beds and shows you how to put the micro spray units together.
To find out what might work best for your flower and shrub bed irrigation needs, request a free quote at
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
How To Adjust A RainBird 5000 Series Rotor Sprinkler Spray Arc
Sean explains how to adjust the RainBird 5000 Series sprinkler head so it doesn't spray out into the street, into your house, or anywhere where it's not supposed to. Just set the fixed left edge and dial in the +/- arc adjustment screw until the sprinkler rotates the desired amount.
Monday, July 14, 2008
How To Adjust A RainBird 5000 Series Rotor Sprinkler Spray Radius
Adjust a Rain Bird 5000 Series sprinkler radius with help from Sean Stefan of Sprinkler Daddy.
If you don't want your RainBird 5000 series sprinkler to spray quite as far, just turn the radius adjustment screw clockwise. The screw will turn down and break up the spray of the sprinkler to keep it from spraying as far.
Watch the video below if you're more of a visual learner.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Drip Irrigation from Sprinkler Daddy
Sprinkler Daddy has all your drip irrigation and micro spray irrigation needs covered. If your shrubs, flower beds, or trees need water, drip or mirco spray irrigation could be the answer.
Get started by entering your info at We'll have a look at your yard plan and design your drip or micro spray irrigation system. After that we can get everything shipped right to your door.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Brass or PVC? What should you use for your house connection?
The only choice is whether to go with brass or pvc.
Watch the video below for a bit more insight, but the bottom line is that PVC will save you about $10 but you run the risk of having it crack if the ground shifts. The brass unit is much more sleek and will stand up to the elements much better.
Sprinkler Daddy Sprinkler Design Explained
Sprinkler system design is the most crucial aspect of your underground sprinkler system. The video below explains the logic behind Sprinkler Daddy sprinkler system design, and why you need a certain number of zones and why you can only put a certain amount of heads on each zone.
How To Mow Your Lawn Like A Pro - Video
The point about how a dull blade effects your lawn was quite interesting to me. Have a watch.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sprinkler Daddy - Explain Yourself!
I put this video together today to talk a bit more about what Sprinkler Daddy is all about and how the process works. It'll be posted on the home page soon. Tell your friends.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Head To Head Sprinkler System Design Explained
Head to head coverage is the manufacturer's recommended way to design sprinkler systems. Basically, the further along the spray you go, the less amount of water that covers the ground. So if you just sprayed so that you got all the grass wet, you'd have to over water in some areas just to get the bare minimum on the other parts.
So essentially, head to head coverage means that you'll install a few more heads up front, but you'll save water and money every time you water your lawn.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How To Use Less Water On Your Yard - Howcast Video
If you don't want to watch the video, here's how the steps break down:
Step 1 - Use native plants that are adapted to the rainfall in your area
Step 2 - Plant spreading plants to hold moisture in the soil
Step 3 - Limit lawn
Step 4 - Use sprinklers in early morning or after dusk
Step 5 - Adjust sprinkler heads so the water droplets are large
Step 6 - Use micro or drip irrigation
Step 7 - Don't overfeed your lawn
Step 8 - Keep your grass longer and leave the cut ends on top (Don't Bag)
Step 9 - Mulch
The video is very well done - hats off to Howcast user Jordana_Giorgio. You can watch it below.
Installing Drip Irrigation - Water Saving Tips
Drip irrigation is a great way to save water and money when you're watering shrubs. You set up a dripper (or two or three if you wish) at the root of each shrub so the water is localized. That means you don't waste water and money watering the areas that you don't need to.
Automatic Sprinkler Systems Compared To Manual Sprinkler Systems
Manual sprinkler systems are simple and sweet. There is no electrical work to worry about and you just need to turn a valve on and off whenever you want to water. The downside to a manual system is that it's up to you to remember to turn on and off the water.
Automatic sprinkler systems are great because you can basically set it and forget it. You can set your timer to turn the sprinklers on at a certain time each day. This feature is great because it gives you the ability to water in the early morning hours before you even get out of bed. At night your water pressure will be increased because less people are using water, which means optimum water coverage. By watering at night you'll also have less water evaporation because it isn't as hot, and generally speaking it tends to be less windy at night (at least in Saskatchewan) so you'll be watering the areas you want to water.
An automatic sprinkler system also allows you to keep watering your lawn while you're on holidays. The downside of an automatic system is that it will require a bit of minor electrical work when you're installing your automatic underground sprinkler system.
So to recap...
Manual Sprinkler Systems:
- Easier to install
- Less Money
- No electrical work required
- Have to remember to turn the water on and off
- Can't water when on holidays
Automatic Sprinkler Systems:
- Set it and forget it
- Water in the evening or early morning
- Less water evaporation
- Water on holidays
- Small amount of electrical work required on installation
- Some extra costs
For a quote on either a manual sprinkler system or an automatic sprinkler system that you can install yourself, visit
Installing an Automatic Sprinkler System
Sprinkler Daddy!

Sprinkler Daddy is new on the scene as of April 2008. What we do is provide professionally designed sprinkler systems delivered right to your door that you can install yourself.
That means that if you're thinking about installing sprinklers in your yard, all your worries are taken care of. You don't need to run all over town looking for the right parts (if you know what parts you need). You don't need to deal with the line ups and poor customer service at the box stores. And best of all, you don't even need to leave your house.
The video below explains how the whole process works. If you like what you see, check us out at and we'll be glad to help you out with your do it yourself sprinkler project!